What is it?
An action plan is
an outline of who will do what, when, and how to achieve a specific
objective, it forms a basis to 'get it right first time'.
When to use it
An action plan
indicates 'what needs to be done' and in particular it can be used to:
- co-ordinate the
communication of a key message or implementation plan.
- Plan the implementation
of a project
- Plan the implementation
of a problem solution
- Co-ordinate an
activity such as data collection
What does it achieve?
Assembling together
the action requirements, in terms of: people involvement, resources
needed and any special dependencies into an easily understood plan will
help you to:
- Decide on priorities
- Establish any
- Assign responsibilities
- Establish 'required
by' dates
- Review and monitor
By communicating the plan, everyone involved will know what is required
of them, and when.
Key steps
- Involve those
who are likely to be affected
- Ensure understanding
- Establish what
needs to be done when and then collate
- Determine dependencies
- Communicate information
- Monitor and review
Typical Action Plan