What is it?
The five-stage project
approach is a step-by-step process for managing improvement projects.
When to use it
It is used to manage all
quality improvement projects and can usefully be applied to all other types
of projects.
What does it achieve?
When quality improvement
projects are run in accordance with this approach, it:
- Provides a common set
of concepts and terminology
- Links in with training
and support material
- Builds on business
quality processes
- Incorporates lessons
from experiences
- Provides an approach
designed to maximize the scope for innovation and creativity of solution,
hence the likelihood of a successful outcome.
Key steps
1 –Improvement proposal
- Clear ownership
- Succinct and clear
statement of problem
- Succinct and clear
statement of requirements and objective(s)
- Measurements
- Targets/milestones
- Plan of communication
and training needs
- Seek approval
2 – Problem analysis and planning
- Root causes
- Possible solutions
- Selected solution(s)
- Sub projects
- Costs and benefits
- Resource requirements
- Planned actions and
- Measurements
- Report progress
3 – Education and communication
- Understanding and involvement
of all those affected
- Identify who, what,
why, where, when, and how.
4 – Detailed implementation plans
- Action plans
- Commitment and involvement
- Report progress
5 – Implementation
- Do
- Measure
- Assess
- Report progress